Monday, March 26, 2018

"The Allegory of the Cave" and The Truman Show

"The Allegory of the Cave" and The Truman Show

Here are some sources that will help. Remember to treat Truman and the man who leaves the cave as similar characters. They experience the same “awakening.” So you use a source on Plato to talk about Truman.

Relation to The Truman Show:

The Truman Show is repeating a story that dozens of other works of popular fiction have used for decades. It is a story that reveals an essential truth about what is happening to society in the 20th Century.

What is that truth? In part, it is about how the media and corporations have begun to surround us with a universe of illusions. From their high-tech control centers, they increasingly script and stage-manage events, creating the danger that we will find ourselves living inside seamless works of theater that we mistake for the world.

Like dozens of characters before him in other works of fiction, the hero in The Truman Show goes on a journey to escape this realm of smoke and mirrors. And then he discovers something unexpected -- what he believed was an open horizon and a way out, is really a wall (

Monday, March 20, 2017

in Class

“A Good Man is Hard to Find”
1)      O’Connor argued that not only is The Misfit more intelligent than the grandmother but his “capacity for grace” is greater than hers. Do you agree with this? Why or why not? Provide proof of your belief.
2)      Some readers have found the grandmother sympathetic and others have found her a figure of evil, portrayed with imagery often associated with witches. What do you think of her? 

3)      Between The Misfit and the grandmother, who seems to have a more solid foundation in faith?
Definitions of grace: a state of sanctification by God; the state of one who is under such divine influence, elegance and beauty of movement or expression
Quotes from the author:

“All my stories are about the action of grace on a character who is not very willing to support it, but most people think of these stories as hard, hopeless and brutal.”

“Faith is what someone knows to be true, whether they believe it or not.”

“I preach there are all kinds of truth, your truth and somebody else's. But behind all of them there is only one truth and that is that there's no truth.”

“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.”

“While much attention has been paid to the scene between the Grandmother and the Misfit at the climax of “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” only passing attention has been paid to a scene early in the story where the Grandmother makes comments from the car about “the cute little pickaninny,” and no explication to date has revealed the Christian mystery behind the Southern manners in the scene. In this crucial passage, through the use of biblical allusion, O'Connor allows the Grandmother the chance to reveal her essential self and prepares the reader for the climax of the story” (Walls).

Southern Culture

The road as a metaphor for life:
Religious Signs in the South:

"A Good Man is Hard to Find"

Links on Southern Culture:

Folow this link for a collection of links about the story:

Four collections of essays provide a good range of criticism on O’Connor (These would be found in the Literary Criticism section of a book store or library):
1. The Added Dimension: The Art and Mind of Flannery O’Connor, edited by Melvin J. Friedman and Lewis A. Lawson (1966; rpt. Fordham University Press, 1977).
2. Critical Essays on Flannery O’Connor, edited by Melvin J. Friedman and Beverly Lyon Clark (Hall, 1985).
3. Flannery O’Connor, edited by Harold Bloom (Chelsea House, 1986).
4. Realist of Distances: Flannery O’Connor Revisited, edited by Karl-Heinz Westarp and Jan Nordby Gretlund (Aarhus, 1987).

The Misfit with the grandmother:
Taking the family to the woods:
The author:

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

"A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"

This is an article about villagers mistaking a sex doll for an angel:

Magical Realism:

This article discusses "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" and magical realism:

Here is a list of fairytales that you may want to reference:

What makes a story a fairy tale?

"A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"

Author's Obit:

Image result for a very old man with enormous wings

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

"The Temp" and "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World"

"The Temp" and "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World"

The Importance of appearance:

Office Culture:

These links discuss cultural differences and also provides a number of links if you go to the bottom of the page. Use the information they provide as outside sources if you are writing your essay about this subject:

Here is one on the effects of culture shock:

Links for "The Handsomest Drowned Man In the World":
This week we will look at “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World”, “The Temp” and Edward Scissorhands in class. All three of these stories contain individuals that become part of a community in some way and have profound effects of the people. In “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” it is a corpse that washes ashore that gives the townspeople a new way of looking at their lives, in “The Temp” it is a temp hired in an office that changes the atmosphere of the wor enviroment and in Edward Scissorhands it is a unique young man that forces a rather boring town to see how boring and judgmental they really are. This week pay attention to what these “magical strangers” force the people in the stories to look at it in their lives.