"The Allegory of the Cave" and The Truman Show
Here are some sources that will help. Remember to treat Truman and the man who leaves the cave as similar characters. They experience the same “awakening.” So you use a source on Plato to talk about Truman.
Relation to The Truman Show:
The Truman Show is repeating a story that dozens of other works of popular fiction have used for decades. It is a story that reveals an essential truth about what is happening to society in the 20th Century.
What is that truth? In part, it is about how the media and corporations have begun to surround us with a universe of illusions. From their high-tech control centers, they increasingly script and stage-manage events, creating the danger that we will find ourselves living inside seamless works of theater that we mistake for the world.
Like dozens of characters before him in other works of fiction, the hero in The Truman Show goes on a journey to escape this realm of smoke and mirrors. And then he discovers something unexpected -- what he believed was an open horizon and a way out, is really a wall (http://www.transparencynow.com/truman.htm).